A website to express your intrests


This website was creted to show allow people and make it possible for them to cumunicate with other people who share their intrest in the arts, travels and everythig that comes to mind.

What's our goal?

There are many individual who would love to show what tehy have and how their world to those around them and also though the internet. However they dont know hwo to start and how to communicate with people who also have their intrest, that is why I created this website, and mae it as a journal so people coudl comunicate with others. In this wesite you are free to express yourself and not be judge when you want to get through people. we have compiled many arts and photgraphy as well as stories from our many members and patrons that could intrest all sort of people. everyone is welcomed to join and share their own work and tell stories.

Old Stories of Our Patrons

The Travels of Alexi Boulos

The Big Apple and a Humble Side of New York

Alexi Boulos is one of our oldest members, and this week he bring us his story on how his travels went in New york. Insstead of having a luxury vacation druing these though times that 2020 has brough us, he decided to walk down regular streets and take shot of the streets that people walk on a daily basis. He wanted ot share the things that many people leave unoticed an pass everyday.

More to this story can be found in the short story section of our website!



Story by Karlaisblue, December 18, 2019

Its that time of the year once again folks!

Its time to take out those old turkey decorations and set the those twinkilg lights on the windows. Soemthing that I have always loved about Christmas is the way that my neighboors decorate their frontyard and doorways, I've been truly facinated by the things that they come up with and always loved seeing teh lighst when I look out the window at night. These days have truly been the best and I cant wait to see how next year will turn out, I have many expectations and have many plans for the upcoming year , I will soon have to look for an Intership and then finish school. This year will be my year, so thats why I cnat wait for Christmas, it will be the Marking spot of this year, the final celebration that will mark this year as I leave the everything and the mistakes I've made so far.